
This is a blog about classic moment everyone has in their lives when they sit down and say,

“What the hell am I doing with my life?”

This is a blog about the aftermath of that question. A blog about trying to find an answer to that goddamn question. That horrible, horrible question.

I try and throw a little humour in the mundane activities of everyday life. Sometimes I like to take pictures, and you’ll find posts about everything from travel, random observations, and music to cars and education.

Read along as I try to figure it out myself.


44 responses to “About

  1. Nice Blog! As someone who totally understands routinely wanting to leave nursing school, I definitely appreciate this and applaud you for recognizing that it really wasn’t “your thing.” Good for you for sticking to your guns, ESPECIALLY when your guns include recognizing your own uncertainty and accepting/embracing it a little.

  2. thirtyfourflavours

    Tee hee…thanks for subscribing to my blog. I’m a Toronto Youth Worker who secretly writes fashion/music etc. blogs for kicks. Nice to meet you girl!

  3. Thanks for checking out my blog–I’m currently enjoying yours!

  4. Hey! Thanks for subscribing to my blog! Looking forward to reading more of your posts ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Thank you for your recent subscription to my blog โ€˜Beetles in the Bushโ€™. Can you please confirm if itโ€™s legit? Thanks!

  6. Thanks for the follow. I think I know your twin sister, do you have a twin sister?

  7. Thanks for the tip on the poutine! I don’t want to be a pushy blog person, but you might like my other blog hisforhayley.wordpress.com – it is a little more … me, I guess. And I blog there more regularly. Any suggestions on dumpling places?

    • Hm, I don’t know any specific dumpling places offhand, but if I were you I’d check out our various china-towns. If you’re in the city, check out Spadina and Dundas, you’re sure to find a place to eat around there. If you want to simply drive over, come a little bit east on the 401 to Markham and visit Pacific Mall. It’s on Steeles at Kennedy road, so basically 10 feet out of Toronto. It’s our resident mega-mall of Chinese retailers, complete with a mini-village right behind it. Avoid it on Saturdays though, you’ll never find a parking spot! I think they’ve cracked down on the illegal DVDs, but they’re still selling them if you can find them. There’s some good places to eat, and a big dim sum right behind it (called..ginger…garden..something?) although you’ll probably be the only non-cantonese speaker there. Most of the time you can just point to the carts of food, but beware, they do serve things like pig’s blood soup and chicken feet, watch out for those.

      I hope that helped a little. I’ll definitely check out your blog ๐Ÿ™‚ Let me know how it goes!

      • I must interject with a recommendation that will change your life! Mother’s Dumplings! It’s hands down the best dumpling place I’ve tried in Toronto and it’s pretty economical. It’s on Spadina just south of College. I promise you’ll love it ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Congrats on getting Freshly Pressed!

    Pretty sweet blog. And I’m just embarking on the bilingual journey myself- well, the trilingual one, actually, as I try to teach my son Spanish and learn a wee bit of French for fun.

    Do any of your posts have a French theme? Maybe I should go look.

  9. vintagebookstore

    Your blog is so fun! You definitely have a natural sense of humor and wit. You are my current inspiration ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Hello there! I belong to the older “Y generationโ€™, born in early 1983, but I agree with you….whats with the blonde bleached look and obsession with “i”pods and phones and let me not get started…I already feel drained! But great posts….you have a wonderful sense of fun and an eye for satire….keep writing! Looking forward to more crazy stuff ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. i must say, i’m going to be a fan of yours ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Interesting to hear from a now “Ex-RN”, as I have a number of friends (half female/half male) whom wouldn’t leave nursing.
    I have recently started to ‘shift’ career paths (provincial government) to something a bit more in-tune with my personality (communications related), however the shift from a full-time career oriented person to a full-time university student is a hell of a leap. Especially in Toronto, with all of its distractions.

    Looking forward to hearing from your further posts!

    • It’s good to know there are some dedicated RNs out there! I figured nursing was probably one of the worst professions to be in if you hate your job. The impact you have on the lives of others is just so vast…and that’s why I left. It’s one of those things where you either love it or you don’t, although I wish I still did considering the money they make in Ontario! ๐Ÿ˜›

      Both of your careers paths are actually something I’m interested in :O I wish you luck with your university career!

  13. It’s a great question – embrace it and find an answer!

    Thanks for introducing me to Dubstep – it’s great, even if you feel overexposed to it ;-))

  14. Hi,

    I have nominated you for a Versatile Blogger award. Therefore, if you choose to accept the Award (or you can just decline this light-hearted nonsense and delete this comment), there are a few things you are required to do:

    โ€“ Create a new post on your blog with the Award logo at the top/centre.
    โ€“ Thank the one who nominated you.
    โ€“ Nominate 12 to 15 other bloggers.
    โ€“ Share 7 random facts about yourself.
    โ€“ Inform each nominee.
    โ€“ Add a thumbnail of the Award logo to your Home Page (optional)

    To be honest (personally) I think it’s more about supporting a few other Bloggers than actually winning a prize but I think it’s a good idea and maybe you’d like to take part.


  15. You have been nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award here.Have a nice day

  16. Hi there! I have enjoyed reading your adventures and am officially nominating you for The Versatile Blogger award! It’s a rigorous process to comply with blogger popularity. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I wouldn’t know anything about that. Haha!

    For more info, come check out my blog! (I promise I am not trying to shamelessly plug my own blog.)


  17. Hi, you have been nominated for the TMI Award! Check out my blog for rules if you would like to accept ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. Thank you for your wit, humour and generally brilliant musings …you are part of my sunshine brigade ๐Ÿ™‚ http://madcaphat.wordpress.com/2012/04/16/bring-on-the-sunshine

  19. Wilhelmina Upton

    I really enjoy reading your bog which is why I nominated you for the 7×7 Award. Here are the infos http://wilhelminaupton.wordpress.com/2012/05/07/7×7-link-award/

  20. Hi Michelle! Your blog makes me feel more confident about my constant state of confusion ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you for sharing your stories. I love reading them so much that I’ve nominated you for “A One Lovely Blog Award.” Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, your readers. โ€”Jaime

    For details: http://withmuchness.wordpress.com/2012/08/12/one-lovely-blog-award/

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